General Insurance Products

General Insurance or Non-Life Insurance are those policies that provide payments provided to the policyholder to compensate the loss from a particular financial event.

Simply put, any insurance not falling under Life Insurance can be termed General Insurance.

Some polices which come under General Insurance are Motor Insurance, Home Owners Insurance, Marine, Travel, Engineering and Fire to name a few.

Fire Insurance

Provides coverage for any loss or damages caused to a property or structure destroyed by a fire.

Engineering Insurance

Provides safeguard to the risks faced by an ongoing construction project, installation project, and machines and equipment in project operation.​

Marine Insurance

Provides protection to any marine asset like ships, cargo, terminals from the point of origin to the destination.

Motor Insurance

Provides coverage to four-wheelers, commercial trucks, two-wheelers, and other road vehicles when your vehicle is damaged in an accident or natural calamity


The policies here include insurance for Aviation, Crime, Credit, Agricultural and Livestock.

We help you design
the policy suited to your organization.

Send us a message and we will help you find the right policy as per your custom requirements.